阿尔林米. 亚当斯的讲座

西格弗里德·韦斯和珍妮特·韦斯一家以及1994年的查尔斯·B. Degenstein Foundation, with support from the Annenberg Foundation, established the 阿尔林米. 亚当斯法律与社会中心成立,以纪念亚当斯. 该中心每年都会举办阿尔林米. 亚当斯的讲座, which brings legal scholars to campus to present on relevant legal topics.




安妮·E. 拉撒路高级法院法官
梅丽莎·L. 诺顿宾夕法尼亚州司法行为委员会首席法律顾问
詹姆斯P. Kleman小. ’98司法行为委员会高级副律师

10月. 10, 7:30 p.m.


The Judicial Conduct Board is the state agency responsible by constitutional mandate for investigating complaints of misconduct against judges of 宾西法尼亚’s judicial system and, 在适当的地方, filing formal charges against those judges found to have engaged in unethical behavior.

The board and its staff investigate every allegation made against a 宾西法尼亚 judge. 这一程序是对完整性的必要保障, 公众对, 司法程序. The panelists will discuss judicial legitimacy in 宾西法尼亚 and the role of judges in enforcing the law.



宾西法尼亚 Superior Court President Judge Emeritus 苏珊·佩克斯·甘特曼 was elected to a 10-year term on the Court in November 2003, 2013年,她获得了留级奖. She was elected by her peers as president judge for a five-year term from 2014 to 2019. 2020年,她在最高法院担任高级职务,并于2021年12月退休.

在她成为法官之前, Gantman was solicitor for the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth and Montgomery County Housing and Community Development and assistant district attorney for Montgomery County. She then worked for 10 years in private law practice before her time as partner with Sherr, Joffe & Zuckerman P.C. before joining Cozen O’Connor as senior member and co-chair of the family law section.

美国人的一员, 宾西法尼亚, 阿勒格尼县, 蒙哥马利县和费城县律师协会, Gantman曾在多个董事会任职,并获得了许多奖项和认可.

Gantman received a Bachelor of 艺术 and Master of 艺术 from University of 宾西法尼亚 prior to earning her Juris Doctor from Villanova University School of Law.

安妮·E. 拉撒路 

她是费城第一位当选州级公职的女性, 宾夕法尼亚州高等法院法官安妮·E. 拉撒路于2010年1月宣誓就职. In the following year, she was appointed to the Judicial Conduct Board and served as its chair.

拉撒路的职业生涯始于费城孤儿法庭的法律顾问. 她在巴拉德·斯帕尔·安德鲁斯律师事务所的房地产部门从事法律工作 & Ingersoll LLP in Philadelphia before being appointed to the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County. She was elected to a full term in 1991 and served on the Philadelphia bench until her election to the state’s Superior Court.

She was also a long-standing member of the ethics committee of the 宾西法尼亚 Conference of State Trial Judges, serving as its chairperson from 2005 through 2009; and served as chairperson of the 宾西法尼亚 最高法院’s ad hoc committee on judicial canons of ethics from 2010 to 2012.

拉撒路是美国人的一员, 宾西法尼亚 and Philadelphia Bar Associations and has received numerous honors and awards. She enjoys teaching and has served as an adjunct professor at Widener University School of Law, 天普大学比斯利法学院, 国家审判辩护研究所和国家司法学院. She is also a frequent lecturer for the 宾西法尼亚 Bar Institute, speaking on judicial ethics.

Having received a Bachelor of 艺术 in psychology from State University of New York at Stony Brook, 拉撒路后来获得了法学博士和法学硕士学位, 或LLM, 在天普大学比斯利法学院获得税务学士学位.

梅丽莎·L. 诺顿

宾夕法尼亚州司法行为委员会首席法律顾问梅丽莎·L. 诺顿负责管理和监督董事会办公室的行政活动, 它的专职律师, 调查人员及支援人员. 另外, 她负责调查, 向董事会提出建议, 在必要的时候, 就司法不端指控起诉法官.

在2016年加入司法行为委员会之前, 诺顿在诺森伯兰郡担任助理地方检察官, 宾西法尼亚, 25年来, followed by several years as an assistant public defender in Northumberland and Lancaster counties. While a prosecutor, she served on the 宾西法尼亚 Problem Solving Court Accreditation Board.

诺顿 earned her Bachelor of Science from Shippensburg University of 宾西法尼亚 and her Juris Doctor from Duquesne University School of Law. She received post-doctoral training in trial advocacy and legal writing from the National Institute for Trial Advocacy.

詹姆斯P. Kleman小.

高级副律师詹姆斯P. Kleman小. began his service with the 宾西法尼亚 Judicial Conduct Board in 2011 as assistant counsel. The board promoted him to deputy counsel in 2014, and then to senior deputy counsel in 2022. 在加入董事会之前, he served as an assistant district attorney in Union County and as a law clerk for former 宾西法尼亚 Superior Court Judge Zoran Popovich.

Kleman graduated magna cum laude from 浩博体育app with a Bachelor of 艺术 in political science. He received his Juris Doctor from the Dickinson School of Law of the 宾西法尼亚 State University and was admitted to the Bar of the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚 later that year.




  • 2022-23:克里斯蒂娜·博伊德 联邦司法机构中的妇女:选择和决定的趋势
  • 2022:丽贝卡·A. •里德 Indigenous Sovereignty and State Compliance to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
  • 2021年:安娜·甘德森, 垄断市场
  • 2020:凯特琳·M. 博伊尔, Reporting Rape on College Campuses: Interactional, Institutional Barriers and Solutions
  • 2019年:李·爱泼斯坦, 不断发展的美国.S. 最高法院
  • 2018年:瓦莱丽·詹纳斯和朱莉娅·阿贝特, 的力量, Promise and Peril of Law: A Discussion of Law on the Books and Law in Action as It Relates to Prison Rape
  • 2017年:Shoba Wadhia
  • 2016年:保罗·卡普兰, 他从来没有机会:种族主义恐惧背景下的死刑被告
  • 2015:罗宾·D.G. 凯利, 自由的罪行:种族、战争和废奴的未竟事业
  • 2014:罗伯特·斯基托尔, 相信我? 美国的流沙.S. 反垄断政策(1890-2014
  • 2013年:理查德·里奥; 虚假供述和错误定罪:原因、后果和解决办法
  • 2012年:蒂莫西·桑德福, 《浩博体育app》和瓦莱丽·詹尼斯, Agnes Goes to Prison: Transgender Prisoners in Prisons for Men and the Olympics of Gender Authenticity
  • 2011年:Charles Ogletree, 奥巴马时代的美国是后种族时代吗?
  • 2010年:爱德华·舒马赫-马托斯和安吉拉·戴维斯

阿尔林米. 亚当斯法律中心 & 社会 

在阿尔林米开始一段激动人心的旅程. 亚当斯法律中心 & 社会, 让学生沉浸其中, future-ready机会, 包括激动人心的实习和法律浩博体育app的启发性讲座, 揭示了关键的法律格局. 这个充满活力的中心是法律前景光明的起点, 政治学及其他学科.


摄影为浩博体育app Viewbook.

尊敬的阿尔林米. 亚当斯

阿尔林米. 亚当斯是美国第三巡回上诉法院的法官. His distinguished career included 17 years on the bench and decades of involvement in professional, 慈善及教育机构.

亚当斯的职业生涯始于私人律师执业, 同时继续从事法律工作, 他在宾夕法尼亚大学任教. 在他被任命为联邦法官之前, 他曾担任宾夕法尼亚州公共福利部门的秘书. 在他作为联邦法官退休之后, 他后来在费城最大的律师事务所之一担任法律顾问, Schnader, 哈里森, 西格尔 & 刘易斯,25年了. He was also a past president of the American Judicature 社会 and the American Philosophical 社会, 也是宾夕法尼亚现代法院的成员.

费城人, 亚当斯 earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Temple University and a law degree from University of 宾西法尼亚 Law School, 他在那里担任《浩博体育app网站》的主编. 决心为国效力,亚当斯应征入伍,成为美国陆军的后勤军官.S. 二战期间的海军.

浩博体育app的老朋友, 亚当斯 was a visiting Woodrow Wilson Fellow at Susquehanna in 1981 and received an honorary Doctor of Laws from the university in 1985.

西格弗里德·韦斯和珍妮特·韦斯一家以及1994年的查尔斯·B. Degenstein Foundation, with support from the Annenberg Foundation, established the 阿尔林米. 亚当斯法律与社会中心成立,以纪念亚当斯. 该中心每年都会举办阿尔林米. 亚当斯的讲座, which brings legal scholars to campus to present on relevant legal topics. 

讲师的职位 & 系列讲座 

Susquehanna’s diverse selection of lectureships and speaker series brings together esteemed scholars, industry leaders and influential voices to share their expertise and perspectives with the campus community. 这些活动为批判性思维提供了充满活力的平台, 培育智力探索和创新文化.
